Photogrammetry is a great way to capture a real object and convert it into a 3D model.
The model is photorealistic because it is generated out of multiple photos.
After the conversion the model needs to be polished to have the best result.
How it works
The Technical Tips
Capture .RAW files.
Set your camera to .RAW capturing, these files have a lot more detail in them than .JPG does.
Low depth of field.
Set your camera to have a low depth of field, it will be easier to configure a point cloud from sharp pictures with lots of details.
Sport mode.
If you set your camera to sport mode you are able to capture pictures faster, increasing your capture speed by around 50%.
Cloudy days.
Capture objects during a cloudy day to reduce casted shadows on the subject but still have a natural light.
Spray and pray.
Capture reflective and transparent objects is really hard to do with photogrammetry. However there is a special spray on the market that covers the subject with a thin white layer. This makes it able to be captured however you need to change the texture by hand.